sell my home as is fast

What Sells A House Fast?

Your friends and family may have told you all kinds of things trying to help you sell your house. In all reality, they are all probably right. There are a lot of factors that come into play when trying to sell your house, whether you need to sell it fast or not. In this short write up we’ll give you a few more tips to make sure you sell your home as quickly as possible.

Tips To Make Your Home Sell Faster

There are a lot of things that you can do to make your property stand out from others when trying to sell a home quickly. Most everyone knows that really nice kitchens and bathrooms can and will help draw in more buyers. We could probably list out 100 things that you could do to help get a buyer faster. For sake of time, we will just give you a few right now, that are sometimes overlooked.

The first thing we want to touch on is storage in the home and how your property looks when potential buyers arrive, which AARP has some good advice on:

3. Storage space sells

Roomy closets and other storage space ranks among today’s most desired features, especially with younger people who typically buy boomers’ homes. “Problem is,” notes Debra Carney-Schoepe, a Realtor in the Philadelphia suburbs, “many boomers live in older homes with limited storage space. So remove excess seasonal clothing from closets and ‘color-code’ what’s left on the sides to make small spaces look larger and more organized — with empty hangers in the middle.”

Shelving units or organizers in walk-in closets are a fast-growing must-have — and worth their $200 price tag. Also, pare down kitchen cabinets and remove drain cleaners and other products that may indicate potential problems.

4. Know the eight-second rule

In that time, many buyers decide whether they’ll buy the home, says Corcoran. For better curb appeal, ensure that the lawn and entryway look neat and crisp. And plant yellow flowers. Studies show that yellow excites and stimulates buying, says Carney-Schoepe.

Read The Full Article “How to Sell Your Home Faster” Here

There are a few great tips in there that are even new to us. We like the idea of having empty hangers in the middle to sort of give an illusion of having more space than needed. We likewise didn’t know about yellow flowers stimulating buying. You can bet that every property we sell from now on will have yellow flowers 🙂 . We were also surprised that they think that a buyer makes up their mind in only 8 seconds! In the past we thought we had at least a minute.

Next is moving on to staging, which applies whether you are still living in the property or not. An unoccupied home with furniture in it will always sell faster than an empty property:

2. Have your house staged

Want to go the extra mile beyond cleaning? Consider having your house staged, a way of decorating it so it’s more attractive to buyers.

“It’s best to present the home in its best light,” explains Nile Lundgren, an agent with Trent & Company in New York City. He once had a listing—unstaged—on the market for five months without ever getting an offer.

“We took it off the market, staged it, reshot photos, and put it back on the market,” he says. “Within two weeks, we got into a bidding war and signed a contract shortly thereafter.”

Staging typically takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the availability of rental furniture, the movers, and the installers. If you’re facing a major time crunch, Lundren suggests focusing on staging the beds, sofas, tables, chairs, and art—items that make a house feel like a home where people can live and get comfortable.

Read The Full Article “How to Sell Your House Fast: 5 Must-Know Tips to Move Your Property” Here

It’s also important to note that you need to properly stage your home, even if you are living it. It is remarkable in that article that after being listed for months and not getting an offer, then staging got an offer in only 2 weeks. That alone should make you a believer in staging your property. For a little more on staging tips see our article “Insider Tips for a Rapid House Sale“.

Here is another great tip from Readers Digest:

First of all, think about what kind of person is likely to move into your house. If it’s a four-bedroom in the suburbs, it will probably appeal to families; a one-bedroom in the city might go to a young professional. “If you’re in the neighborhood, you know who the people are that are moving in,” says Sridharan. Now figure out what that kind of buyer might be looking for. For instance, that family might want to know how local schools rate on Great Schools, while a young, single person might want the Walk Score walkability rating, says Sridharan.

Read The Full Article “15 Tricks to Help Sell Your Home Faster—and for More Money” Here

That’s good advice, especially if you are trying to sell your home yourself, or “FSBO”. Wherever you list your property on the web, or in fliers, you can add in the description about how nice the local schools are, or for a single person maybe the closest bars 😉

Lastly, for everyone that prefers to watch videos over reading, here is a YouTube video that has some great tips:

Summing It Up

These are just a few tips that can help you get a buyer for your property quickly. It’s never easy selling a property and moving, but if you follow these tips it will be a little easier.

If you have a property in the Metro Atlanta area and you need to sell your house fast and don’t want to deal with all of the hassles listed above, contact us, Mandich Property Group. We buy houses fast and in any condition. You can learn more on our site, or call us at 770-756-8680 for a free, no obligation offer on your house.

What Sells A House Fast? Read More »

How To Price Your House For A Fast Sale

There are a lot of things that come into play and have to be done when selling a house. If you need to sell a house fast then there can be even more to do in a shorter amount of time. One of the biggest things in getting your house to sell quickly is to price it correctly. Price it to high and you won’t have any interest in the property and may end up holding on to it longer than you want to. This short article will give you some good tips on properly pricing your house for a fast sale.

In a previous article “Insider Tips for a Rapid House Sale” we covered a lot of the “physical” things that have to be done to sell your house fast like cleaning and properly staging the house.  Here is the thing, no matter how nice you make your house, if it’s not priced properly, it’s not going to sell. Think about it, why would a buyer pay 5, 10, 15 thousand or more for a house when they can get one that is comparable or maybe even nicer for less? Would you?

It’s Important To Set The Price Right From The Start

Many homeowners may think that if they set the price high from the start that they can always lower it if they don’t get any interest. This may well be a very bad strategy, which was covered in this article:

Be reasonable

Hensal said it is important to price a home properly from the beginning. If a seller is forced to drop the price, “it’s only human nature to wonder what’s wrong,” Hensal of the potential buyer’s perspective.

“You’re just selling your competition if it’s priced too high,” she said. “You’re better off pricing it properly right out of the gate.”

Cummings-Waldorf added: “It’s like anything. I may want to sell my car for $30,000, but if it’s not worth $30,000, I’m not going to get $30,000.”

Pricing a home too high is the “kiss of death” in real estate, said Greenwich Realtor Jane Brash of Coldwell Banker.

“You want the momentum from the very get-go,” she said.

Otherwise, Brash said, it’s a downward spiral where buyers are turned off by the price while the home languishes on the market and, eventually, buyers start assuming something’s wrong with the property, causing it to linger even longer.

Read The Full Article “Property Rounds: Pricing a home properly key to quick sale” Here

It’s a good point that you are actually helping to sell other people’s houses by pricing yours to high from the start, as well as the fact that buyers will wonder what is wrong with your house if you drop the price. Another problem could be that buyers may wonder what is wrong with the property if it has been on the market for some time and hasn’t sold – all due to it being over priced.

Pricing Your House To Sell Fast

There is a lot to consider when setting the price of your property. This is one reason why realtors get paid what they do. If you are using a realtor then you are putting your trust in them. We would suggest that you do some investigating on your own and don’t just take their word for it. If you are selling your property on your own or “FSBO” (for sale by owner), then you are going to have to do some extensive research. Thankfully the internet is here now and you can do most of your research from there.

So where do you start finding the right price for your house? Check this out from The Balance which has some great info on how to get started:

Pull Comparable Listings and Sales

  • Look at every similar home that was or is listed in the same neighborhood over the past three months. Appraisers do not use comps older than 3 months.
  • The list should contain homes within a 1/4 mile to a 1/2 mile and no further, unless there are only a handful of comps in the general vicinity or the property is rural.
  • Pay attention to neighborhood dividing lines and physical barriers such as major streets, freeways or railroads, and do not compare inventory from the “other side of the tracks.” Where I live in the Land Park neighborhood of Sacramento, for example, identical homes across the street from each other can vary by $100,000. Perceptions and desirability have value.
  • Compare similar square footage, within a 10% variance of up or down from the subject property, if possible.
  • Similar ages. One neighborhood might consist of homes built in the 1950s next door to another ring of construction from the 1980s. Values between the two will differ. Compare apples to apples.

Read The Full Article “How to Price Your Home for Sale” Here

Superb advice on setting the price of your property. This is how we always start at determining the value of a property. If you deviate to much from those rules above you will get the pricing of your property wrong. Sometimes it will be necessary to deviate from those rules a little because you may not find a property like yours within a half mile of your residence. It’s important to remember that if you have to deviate from any of the above rules, then the others become that much more important. It’s also important to note that when comparing apples to apples that you also take into consideration whether or not a property has updated kitchens, bathrooms or any other part of the house.

Summing It Up

Don’t make the mistake thinking that you can over price the property, only to lower it later down the road when it doesn’t sell. Over priced properties that sit on the market only make buyers wonder what’s wrong with the property. Next, take your time and do your homework, make sure you use accurate comparables, properties very similar to your house for setting the price.

Don’t forget, if you are in need of selling your house fast, we buy houses fast in any condition throughout the Metro Atlanta area. Learn more by visiting our site at

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Insider Tips for a Rapid House Sale

Sometimes selling your house can be challenging. If you need to sell your house fast it can add even more stress and seem overwhelming. What do you do if there are multiple homes for sale in your area that a buyer has to choose from? How do you make your house stand out from the rest and get someone to buy your house rather than your neighbors? We’re going to cover a few things to help you sell your house fast, and hopefully faster than another that’s on the market.

Preparing Your House So That It Will Sell Fast

In our previous post “Remodeling Tips To Sell Your House Faster ” we covered some tips on upgrades and updating your house to help make it outshine the other properties on the market. If your house hasn’t been updated in 30 years, then this is something that you are going to have to do. If your house has been updated then you are ahead of the curve. All you really need to do then is super clean the house and stage the house.

Now you may not know what staging is. Wikipedia actually gives a great description:

Home staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. Staging techniques focus on improving a property’s appeal by transforming it into a welcoming, attractive product that anyone might want. People usually use arts, painting, accessories, lights, greenery, and carpet to stage the home, to give potential buyers a more attractive first impression of the property

Read The Full Article “Home Staging” From Wikipedia Here

We couldn’t have explained it better. Now you maybe asking yourself “do I really need to stage my house?”. The answer is yes, which is explained well in this article from Redfin:

Redfin listing specialists recommend staging for two reasons: The first is that a staged home results in better photos. Photos are your home’s currency online, and the more appealing they are, the more views your listing will receive. A new listing gets three times more views in its first week on the market than at any time after that, so first impressions really matter. This is why we recommend launching your home fully staged, rather than waiting to “see how it goes” and investing in staging if the home doesn’t sell.

Justin Riordan, founder of Spade and Archer, a staging firm based in Seattle, Portland and Palm Springs, says, “Staging is visual merchandising for your house so that you can sell it for more money.” Another way to look at it: if you were headed on a job interview or a first date, you’d make sure your hair was brushed and your outfit was just right, wouldn’t you? The same reasoning applies here.

Secondly, staging allows buyers to understand how they would actually live in the home. The typical person shopping for a home isn’t a trained designer and won’t naturally envision how an empty space could function.

Staging can also help overcome challenges such as odd angles or demonstrate how creating “zones” within a small space make it more functional than it may appear when vacant.

Read The Full Article “Why You Still Need Staging in a Seller’s Market” Here

We like the last point made. We always stage our properties that have been renovated because it helps buyers see the functionality of a space. We think that it does help them visualize living in the house and just exactly what each room is for.

Always Be Prepared For Visitors To Look At Your House

Now your house is clean and staged. The next thing is, keep it that way! We know this can be challenging, especially if you have children. However it is extremely important to keep the house spic and span and ready to show at all times. The importance of this is emphasized in this article from HGTV:

Selling Secret #2: Always be ready to show
Your house needs to be “show-ready” at all times – you never know when your buyer is going to walk through the door. You have to be available whenever they want to come see the place and it has to be in tip-top shape. Don’t leave dishes in the sink, keep the dishwasher cleaned out, the bathrooms sparkling and make sure there are no dust bunnies in the corners. It’s a little inconvenient, but it will get your house sold.

Selling Secret #1: The first impression is the only impression
No matter how good the interior of your home looks, buyers have already judged your home before they walk through the door. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. It’s important to make people feel warm, welcome and safe as they approach the house. Spruce up your home’s exterior with inexpensive shrubs and brightly colored flowers. You can typically get a 100-percent return on the money you put into your home’s curb appeal. Entryways are also important. You use it as a utility space for your coat and keys. But, when you’re selling, make it welcoming by putting in a small bench, a vase of fresh-cut flowers or even some cookies.

Read The Full Article “10 Best-Kept Secrets for Selling Your Home” Here 

Good advice. And who doesn’t like flowers and cookies?! Curb appeal is very important. Don’t have the kids toys in the front yard. You should also pressure wash the driveway and sidewalks. You also want to make sure you do the basic stuff such as cutting the grass and having the shrubs trimmed up.

Summing It Up

Getting your house to sell fast can be stressful. As long as you properly clean and stage the house, it should go much easier. It can be difficult if you have small children to keep the house ready to show at all times, but you are going to have to do your best. Hopefully if someone stops by and the kids have their toys scattered throughout the family room the buyer will understand.

As a reminder, the easiest way to sell your house fast is to contact a real estate investor, like us, Mandich Property Group. We don’t care if the yard is a mess, house isn’t staged or even if the kids toys are scattered everywhere. We have the ability to look past all the clutter and make you a fair, all cash offer on your property. You can reach us at (770) 756-8680. Until next time 🙂

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Helpful Tips for a Speedy House Sale

If you are trying to sell your property quickly, there are things that you need to do to make the sale actually happen faster than normal. Getting a buyer for your property right now will take some work on your part, and there are some things that you can do to make sure you are not stuck holding on to a property for months that you need to liquidate. Get it right and you will have a buyer in no time. Get it wrong and you will have to hold on to your property longer than you want to.

Selling Your Home Quickly

In a previous post we covered how important it is to price your house right as well as cleaning and tidying up the property in “How To Sell My Home Fast By Owner“. The next thing you need to recognize is that there are things that you can control, and things you can not. The Washington  Post had this to say about it:

Some basics: Selling speed depends in part on matters that you can control, but there are also factors you can’t control: the strength of your local economy, employment and income growth. If the economy is on fire and there’s a low inventory of homes for sale to serve market demand, you’re going to see houses zipping from listing to contract rapidly.

Now for things that you can control: Anyone can sell a house super fast simply by cutting the price far below what it’s worth. There are investment companies in most large markets that will buy your house for cash in almost no time — an hour, a day, a week — but at 40 to 50 percent below market value.

Read The Full Article “Do’s and don’ts for people who want to sell their house fast” Here

Right now it’s a pretty good market as a whole in North Georgia. However if your property has been neglected and needs expensive repairs and/or updating, selling to an investor may be your best bet. Most new homeowners don’t want to spend a lot of time renovating and repairing a house. That’s when investors really come in, especially if you need to sell fast. That’s when the 40 to 50 percent below market value comes into play. If your house is in dire need of expensive repairs, it’s not going to bring top dollar and will have to be sold considerably below market value.

Getting Buyers To Check Out Your House

What you really need to do is think outside the box when trying to sell your house fast. actually has some good advice on this:

YouTube your house

A YouTube tour gives the buyer your personal perspective on what’s special about your house and can be linked with most major search sites. If you choose this method, you should be proactive in getting the video seen. Send links of the video to any interested parties and make sure your broker is doing the same. Insist that your broker get it on to their company’s Web site.

Go beyond traditional realtor networks

Two out of three homebuyers start their search online. The five highest-traffic Web sites are:

  • #1
  • #2
  • #3
  • #4
  • #5

Make sure people visiting these sites are seeing your home. If you are unable to do this yourself, ask your broker to do it for you.

Organize a neighborhood open house

Join up with other neighbors on a Sunday to lure more buyers in. Include a latte cart or a giant inflatable house in the backyard for kids to jump on.

Read The Full Article “Dump this house! How to sell your home fast” Here

Video is an excellent way to help promote your house for sale. Everyone has a smart phone now and can take some really nice video to show off their house. Just be sure to remember to turn your phone sideways so that it’s not a skinny video. Once you have the video you can share it all over social media announcing your house for sale and help bring in potential buyers.

Summing It Up

Selling your house quickly will take some work on your part. How much work you are willing to put into it will directly effect how much money you get from the sale of your property. If you keep your house in pristine condition and think outside the box for marketing, you will get your house sold faster.

Just as a reminder, if you are in the North GA area and want to sell your house fast, contact us, Mandich Property Group for a free, no obligation offer on your property today.

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Proven Techniques to Sell Your House Quickly

Having to sell your house and move can be a real headache. Add in having to sell your house fast – that can add even more stress. Unfortunately people do find themselves in situations where they need to sell their home quickly, usually because they have a new job in a different area. If you are one of these people and are looking for some tips to help you sell your house quickly, keep reading 🙂

How To Sell Your House Fast

The first thing you need to be concerned with is how the house shows. Is it clean? Is everything put away in it’s place so that the house doesn’t look cluttered? We covered some of this in a previous post “How To Sell Your House Yourself Fast” about making sure your house is clean and de-cluttered, so check that out.

But what your really need to pay attention first is this – how does the house look when you first drive up to it?

Besides making sure your house is clean, how your house looks from the outside is extremely important. You only get one chance to make a first impression. We have heard that people make up their mind if they like a house or not within the first minute of looking at it when arriving.

Laura Adams wrote an excellent article concerning “curb appeal” and much more in an article on Quick And Dirty Tips:

Selling Tip #1: Improve Your Curb Appeal

Nothing is more important than a first impression. So consider what a potential home buyer may think as he or she drives up to your property for the very first time.

Walk out into your street and look–and I mean really look–at your home to see its shortcomings. Is it attractive, clean, and well-kept, or does it need maintenance that you’ve been putting off?

After you’ve been in a home for a while, it can be difficult to see it objectively. So take suggestions from a real estate professional, friends, or prospective buyers about how to make it show better.

When your home is on the market, it’s critical that your landscaping is well-groomed and your lawn is mowed 24/7. Plus, your driveway, exterior porches, and exterior walls must be clean, too.

If you put money into cleaning up the outside of your home, I can guarantee that buyers will be more likely to take a tour of the inside. Curb appeal is what draws buyers in, helps maintain their interest, and sets your home apart from the competition.

Continue Reading The Full Article “6 Tips to Sell a House Fast in Any Market” Here

Really good advice from Laura! We especially like the tip of asking your friends and anyone you can to look at your house from the outside to see what they think. They may spot some things that you haven’t.

Getting Your Home Sold Quickly

Once you have the property cleaned up on the inside and outside it’s time to get the place sold. So just how do you go about that? Of course you can list your house with an agent, but that may take longer than you have. You might want to try and sell it yourself, or maybe even try and do both. Just make sure that if you decide to do both that in your contract with your realtor that you don’t owe them money if you sell it yourself.

Elise Sole wrote a great article with some tips to help in getting your house sold quickly:

Set a hard deadline

Want to bring buyers out of the woodwork quickly? It’s easy: Set a deadline for offers.

You can make this clear in your listing by saying you will be accepting offers only until a certain date—even as tight as one to two weeks after your home is listed for sale. That said, you should probably not announce why you need to sell quickly due to a new job or other circumstance, because buyers will smell desperation and take advantage of that. Just state your deadline without further explanation, and watch the offers roll in.

Selling your house to a flipper

There’s no faster home sale out there than to a flipper. These buyers enable you to usually sell the home as is—often for cash—removing the burden of costly home repairs.

“These situations usually appeal to homeowners who just need to get a property off their hands,” says Benuska. But there are downsides: Flippers may demand below-market price, so they can resell it later for a larger profit. So just be sure your flipper isn’t fleecing you up the wazoo; at the very least, compare offers from two or more investors so they can’t steamroll you.

Continue Reading The Full Article “How to Sell Your House Fast Without Losing Your Shirt” Here

Setting a hard deadline is a fantastic way to bring in buyers really fast! However we think that no matter what when selling to a conventional buyer and setting a hard deadline will tip them off that you need to sell quickly and will want to force negotiations for a lower price.

We really like her last tip of selling to a flipper – probably because that’s what we do 🙂

Summing It Up

Getting your house sold fast can be stressful, especially all of the prep work that you need to do just to get it ready to sell. As a reminder, if you need to sell your house fast, contact us, Mandich Property Group for a free, no obligation offer on your house. The plus side is that you don’t even need to clean up or worry about curb appeal!

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Should I Sell My House As Is

There is a lot to consider when it comes time to sell your house. One question that pops up quite often is “should I sell my house as is?”.  This is a great question, but really needs some careful thought and consideration. You have to ask yourself how much are you willing to invest in your property, do you have the money you need to make all the repairs and lastly will you recover that money you invest getting your house in tip top condition. These are just a few of the things you need to consider. If you are wondering if you should sell as is – keep reading.

Who Will Buy Your Home As Is?

This is really important and depends on how extensive the repairs are that need to be done. The balance wrote an excellent article that covers some of this:

Do Home Buyers Want Fixers or Fixed Up Homes?

Some home buyers want to buy a fixer upper home, but generally these buyers want a home that will require light cosmetic repairs. Buyers who gravitate toward fixers are those who either don’t qualify to buy a more expensive home or those who want to make a profit by fixing the home themselves.

I’ve yet to meet a novice first-time home buyer who says, “Give me a home I can tear down to the studs.” Most fixer buyers are willing to do simple repairs such as paint the walls, put in new carpeting or replace light fixtures. They typically don’t want to rebuild a foundation or move walls.

Fixer-upper buyers will discount the price of the home to allow for the repairs and, for the inconvenience, a bit more. Say, a home is worth $100,000 fixed up, but it needs a new roof. A new roof might cost $10,000. A buyer most likely will not offer $90,000 for this home. Otherwise, they could buy an identical home with a new roof for $100,000 and not have the hassle.

A buyer for this type of home might offer $75,000, or even less. In this scenario, a seller would be smarter to pay for a new roof and sell the home for $100,000.

Moreover, many buyers will not buy a home that needs a new roof. They will worry the work involved will cost more than what they anticipated. Perhaps replacing the roof would involve tearing off the sheathing and repairing rafters, which could add to the cost. Most buyers want a home that is in move-in condition. By not making repairs, you will limit the number of buyers who may be attracted to your home.

Read The Full Article “Should I Fix Up My Home or Try to Sell As Is?” Here

This is generally the case when you put your house on the market and are trying to attract your regular home buyer that is purchasing the property through conventional loans. But what if you don’t have the 10k that is required to put a new roof on?

What If You Don’t Have The Money To Make Repairs?

Unfortunately this is often the case for a lot of homeowners that are living from pay check to pay check. Furthermore you may be in a position where you need to sell your property very quickly. In this situation you can always sell your property to real estate investors. You can always go to the internet and perform a search like “sell my house fast as is” to find investors that will do just that, buy your property in it’s present condition.

This is a good option for anyone that needs to sell quickly. But if you are not in a rush you can always list your property with an agent and market the property as “handyman special” or “fixer upper” to make sure you attract the right kind of buyer.

The next thing  you have to consider is the cost of the amount of repairs that need to be performed on the property. You may actually end up spending more money on your property than what you will be able to sell the house for. Just because you have 150k in your house doesn’t mean that it will sell for that, especially if all the properties surrounding you are selling for 100k. This scenario is another good reason to consider selling to an investor.

You Must Be Truthful When Selling As Is

The last thing we want to cover about selling “as-is” is what you have to be careful about. Selling your property as is doesn’t mean that you don’t have to disclose problems with the property. While a good inspector will pick up on many things for the buyer, you still have to disclose things like foundation issues and the like that you are aware of, or asked about.

This was emphasized in this article:

What Selling As-Is Does Not Mean

Unfortunately, many homeowners are under the mistaken impression that selling as-is relieves them from all the general obligations that come with the sale of a home. They imagine that they can unload the property for whatever price they can get while avoiding the need to talk about or disclose any issues with the home.

Selling as is does not relieve you from your legal obligation to answer questions honestly concerning the existing problems with the home per the rules of your state.

Read The Full Article “Pros and Cons of Selling a Home As Is” Here

The writer of that article goes on to explain in more detail about disclosure, but for the state of Massachusetts. However Georgia has a lot to say about disclosure when selling your property:

Although Georgia law does not require a seller to fill out a specific disclosure form, the law does require a seller to inform a buyer about any known material (important) defects in the condition of the home. There’s an exception if the defect would be discovered by the buyer upon a reasonable inspection, but that’s meant to cover fairly obvious things – for example, you don’t need to point out, “the porch roof has collapsed,” if anyone looking at the property can see that the porch roof has collapsed.

The Georgia seller must also honestly answer a buyer’s questions about the home. Buyers might ask about anything from what repairs you’ve done in the past to how your dealings with the neighbors have been. Attempting to obfuscate can lead to lawsuits later, so it’s best to be honest and open.

Again, however, you are not supposed to wait for questions if a defect is “material” and not readily visible. Georgia courts have generally held that a defect is “material” if the buyer would consider it material; that is, if known to a prospective buyer, it would cause that person to not buy the property, or to pay less for it -– such as, for instance, the fact that it was built on unstable ground.

As a general rule, in order to prevent later accusations of misrepresentation or fraud from a buyer, as a seller in Georgia you should be upfront, answer the buyer’s questions, and tell the buyer about any problems you are aware of regarding the condition of the home (most likely by filling out the optional standard form described below).

Read The Full Article “Selling a Georgia Home: What Are My Disclosure Obligations?” Here

We agree that it’s much better to disclose any problems with the property that you are aware of to the buyer. In the long run it could save you a lot of headaches and a long drawn out law suit that could cost you thousands.

Summing It Up

There are a few factors that you must think about when it comes to selling your house as is. Really you are the only person that can decide if it’s right for you. If you have the money to have the repairs made and have the time, then no – go ahead and have them done so you will bring a higher price for your property. But if you are short on cash and don’t have the time, then selling as is may be the route you need to take.

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