What Sells A House Fast?

Your friends and family may have told you all kinds of things trying to help you sell your house. In all reality, they are all probably right. There are a lot of factors that come into play when trying to sell your house, whether you need to sell it fast or not. In this short write up we’ll give you a few more tips to make sure you sell your home as quickly as possible.

Tips To Make Your Home Sell Faster

There are a lot of things that you can do to make your property stand out from others when trying to sell a home quickly. Most everyone knows that really nice kitchens and bathrooms can and will help draw in more buyers. We could probably list out 100 things that you could do to help get a buyer faster. For sake of time, we will just give you a few right now, that are sometimes overlooked.

The first thing we want to touch on is storage in the home and how your property looks when potential buyers arrive, which AARP has some good advice on:

3. Storage space sells

Roomy closets and other storage space ranks among today’s most desired features, especially with younger people who typically buy boomers’ homes. “Problem is,” notes Debra Carney-Schoepe, a Realtor in the Philadelphia suburbs, “many boomers live in older homes with limited storage space. So remove excess seasonal clothing from closets and ‘color-code’ what’s left on the sides to make small spaces look larger and more organized — with empty hangers in the middle.”

Shelving units or organizers in walk-in closets are a fast-growing must-have — and worth their $200 price tag. Also, pare down kitchen cabinets and remove drain cleaners and other products that may indicate potential problems.

4. Know the eight-second rule

In that time, many buyers decide whether they’ll buy the home, says Corcoran. For better curb appeal, ensure that the lawn and entryway look neat and crisp. And plant yellow flowers. Studies show that yellow excites and stimulates buying, says Carney-Schoepe.

Read The Full Article “How to Sell Your Home Faster” Here

There are a few great tips in there that are even new to us. We like the idea of having empty hangers in the middle to sort of give an illusion of having more space than needed. We likewise didn’t know about yellow flowers stimulating buying. You can bet that every property we sell from now on will have yellow flowers 🙂 . We were also surprised that they think that a buyer makes up their mind in only 8 seconds! In the past we thought we had at least a minute.

Next is moving on to staging, which applies whether you are still living in the property or not. An unoccupied home with furniture in it will always sell faster than an empty property:

2. Have your house staged

Want to go the extra mile beyond cleaning? Consider having your house staged, a way of decorating it so it’s more attractive to buyers.

“It’s best to present the home in its best light,” explains Nile Lundgren, an agent with Trent & Company in New York City. He once had a listing—unstaged—on the market for five months without ever getting an offer.

“We took it off the market, staged it, reshot photos, and put it back on the market,” he says. “Within two weeks, we got into a bidding war and signed a contract shortly thereafter.”

Staging typically takes anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the availability of rental furniture, the movers, and the installers. If you’re facing a major time crunch, Lundren suggests focusing on staging the beds, sofas, tables, chairs, and art—items that make a house feel like a home where people can live and get comfortable.

Read The Full Article “How to Sell Your House Fast: 5 Must-Know Tips to Move Your Property” Here

It’s also important to note that you need to properly stage your home, even if you are living it. It is remarkable in that article that after being listed for months and not getting an offer, then staging got an offer in only 2 weeks. That alone should make you a believer in staging your property. For a little more on staging tips see our article “Insider Tips for a Rapid House Sale“.

Here is another great tip from Readers Digest:

First of all, think about what kind of person is likely to move into your house. If it’s a four-bedroom in the suburbs, it will probably appeal to families; a one-bedroom in the city might go to a young professional. “If you’re in the neighborhood, you know who the people are that are moving in,” says Sridharan. Now figure out what that kind of buyer might be looking for. For instance, that family might want to know how local schools rate on Great Schools, while a young, single person might want the Walk Score walkability rating, says Sridharan.

Read The Full Article “15 Tricks to Help Sell Your Home Faster—and for More Money” Here

That’s good advice, especially if you are trying to sell your home yourself, or “FSBO”. Wherever you list your property on the web, or in fliers, you can add in the description about how nice the local schools are, or for a single person maybe the closest bars 😉

Lastly, for everyone that prefers to watch videos over reading, here is a YouTube video that has some great tips:

Summing It Up

These are just a few tips that can help you get a buyer for your property quickly. It’s never easy selling a property and moving, but if you follow these tips it will be a little easier.

If you have a property in the Metro Atlanta area and you need to sell your house fast and don’t want to deal with all of the hassles listed above, contact us, Mandich Property Group. We buy houses fast and in any condition. You can learn more on our site, or call us at 770-756-8680 for a free, no obligation offer on your house.

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