Are Home Buying Companies Legitimate?

Do you own a home that you need to sell and are looking for a reputable we buy houses company? Well, you found them! We are Mandich Property Group and we are a local company that buys houses for cash and in any condition. You can get a free, no obligation offer by calling us at (770) 756-8680, or by visiting our website here to fill out a short form and we will get back in touch with you very soon. Now that that’s out of the way – on to the article 🙂

Are We Buy Houses Companies For Real?

Since it is a growing industry many people are asking, “how do the we buy houses companies work?”.  It’s pretty simple really, much more so than the real estate agent route with all the complicated paperwork. It is a legitimate business, but like with every other business there are scammers out there to worry about. One investment company that will not scam you is our company – Mandich Property Group, we are here to assist families like yours that may need or want to sale a home or property fast for a variety of reasons.

Selling Your Home To A We Buy Houses Company Isn’t For Every Seller

Selling your house to a cash buyer or investor might not be for everyone, you will need to weigh the pros and cons for your individual situation.Here is a piece of a great article that explains more:

When a seller chooses to work with a “We Buy Houses” company, it’s most often for one of two reasons: because they are in a financial position where they want to get cash fast or because they don’t want to take on the stress and burden of selling a house. That being said, We Buy Houses companies are not for every seller. It’s important to first evaluate what your needs are when it comes to selling a home before making the decision to sell on the market or sell to a company that buys houses.

Not all We Buy Houses companies are the same, many will operate in a very different way than others and, unfortunately, some will try to take advantage of sellers. That being said, make sure to do the necessary research beforehand and trust your gut! If anything ever feels off, make sure to get clarification.

Read the full article here

That last bit of information is very important! With every financial investment, especially large financial investments, you want to check out the company to make sure they are the best fit for you and that they are who they say they are. These days it’s much easier to check on the legitimacy of a company by simply searching for them on the web and looking at their reviews or finding them on social media.

We Buy Houses Companies Pay With Cash

There are benefits in selling to a cash buyer when you pick a reputable company such as Mandich Property Group. In this article by AdvisoryHQ it shows just a couple of the best benefits;

The primary benefit of using one of these services is that many of the companies that buy houses will offer to pay you in cash on the spot. You do not have to go through a realtor, deal with all the paperwork, or show the house, so it’s very convenient. Many of these businesses say, “We buy any house,” so even if your house isn’t in the best condition, it is likely that you will receive an offer.

Like anything else in the world, there are both ethical and unethical investors in this business, so it’s important for you to do your homework before choosing a service.

Read the full article here

It’s also important to add that when selling to a cash buying company you don’t have to worry about buyer mortgage contingencies. You also don’t have to be concerned about the buyer not even being able to get a loan making you wait for weeks, only to have to start the process all over again.

Is Selling To A Company That Buys Houses Right For You?

Selling a house is a big decision and there are many choices out there to get over whelmed with. It is true the investment route might not be the best fit for you. When discussing your situation with us if we think it is not the best way for you, we will tell you so. Because selling your house with a Realtor can take a long time and you may or may not get the asking price, this may be a good fit for your situation. Here is a short snippet from another article that gives a few more of the pros of selling your home to an investor:

Buyer financing: Unlike the traditional home sale, there is no waiting on buyer financing. Buyer financing can be a nightmare when lenders delay or slow down closing, sometimes forcing buyers to rescind their offers altogether. Most investors have cash to pay for your home, so this means no delays or hassle in relation to financing the purchase.

Creative Solutions: Because investors have the capital to buy your home with cash, they also have the ability to provide more unique solutions. For example, if you’re underwater on your mortgage, some investors will take over your mortgage altogether. Ask us about seller carry-back, and other flexible financing solutions.

Read the full article here

Summing It Up

Whether or not selling your home to an investor is totally up to you – and only you can decide in the end if it’s the best solution. You also need to use caution in who you choose to do business with, and do a little research on them. If you can’t find anything on the web about them, you might want to choose to deal with another company. Basically it is good to know who you are going to be working with.

We are a family run and operated investment company and we will do our very best to treat you right. We look forward to talking to you soon so reach out to us today and we will work hard to make the selling of your home as easy and painless as we possibly can. Call us today to get started 🙂

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